Snoop Puppy Pup!!

Snoop Puppy Pup!!

Wednesday, October 3

Bath Time Fun!!

Sooo . . Last night it was time for Fudge to have her bath. Normally, Jason and I work together on this, one person cleaning the cage out and one person bathes her. For those of you who have no idea who Fudge is she is our ferret. Cole gets very excited any time that Fudge is out of the cage. They love to play together and can do it for hours on end. When Fudge gets her bath Cole usually just stands by and excitedly watches. Last night, this was not the case. Jason was bathing Fudge in the tub. Cole was in the bathroom monitoring the going-ons with Fudge and Jason while I cleaned out the cage. Suddenly, I hear a loud splash and Jason screaming for me from the bathroom. I go running thinking that something has happened to Fudge and what do I find????? Cole has decided that he wanted to take a bath with Fudge. I have attached a picture for your viewing pleasure.

1 comment:

Queen B said...

omg, this is the cutest picture ever!